Historic La Carafe Houston | Special Guests 93Q Country

Ghost Texas had the exciting opportunity to investigate the Historic La Carafe Houston with 93Q Country’s morning show. As part of their Halloween countdown, investigators Patrick, Melvin, and Morgan explored the haunted 125-year-old wine bar live on air. Known as one of Houston’s oldest bars, La Carafe has a reputation for paranormal activity, making it an ideal location for this special investigation.

This investigation took place at 6 a.m., which was different from the team’s usual 8 p.m. start time. Typically, Ghost Texas prefers to investigate late into the night, believing darkness enhances their chances of capturing evidence. Despite some skepticism about early morning investigations, Historic La Carafe Houston didn’t disappoint.

Patrick, Melvin, and Morgan used the Estes Method spirit box to communicate with the spirits. Both the team and the 93Q morning show DJs experienced surprising engagement. The DJs, initially skeptical, quickly became believers as they participated in the sessions. Direct responses from the spirits left everyone excited and amazed.

The live investigation provided both paranormal activity and entertainment. It was a memorable experience for Ghost Texas and the entire 93Q crew. A big thank you goes to 93Q Country for inviting Ghost Texas to explore this historic and haunted location. The team looks forward to more investigations like this one at Historic La Carafe Houston, where the spirits are eager to interact at any time of day.


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